Personal Training

Looking to start exercising or improve your fitness?

Fitness, strength, endurance, balance and flexibility are goals that you have, but you are not sure where to start and what’s appropriate for you. Let me help you begin or enrich your exercise journey! I can help you develop the strength that you desire for everyday life, for your job or for your sport or hobbies. 

I offer a unique approach to helping you achieve your goals. We begin by assessing your current health and fitness levels. Then we work together to set goals that are unique to your situation and are also realistic. And finally, I create a unique action plan to help you achieve your goals.

Personal training is for everyone no matter your age or current fitness level! 

    What to expect for personal training sessions:

    • 1 hour duration 
    • meeting exclusively online
    • health assessment
    • goal setting
    • exercise
    • follow-up 
    • accountability with goal-setting
    • unlimited access to me via text for questions/concerns
    • continual revision of exercises for progress and optimal results

    My husband was diagnosed by an internist that he was pre-diabetic. His fasting blood sugar was getting to be in a dangerous zone. Being in his 60s, it is difficult to incorporate lifestyle changes. His health was at risk as he had other pre-existing health conditions. Determined to get to a better place with his health, we enlisted the wisdom and knowledge of Jenn. Jenn worked with him for 6 months to give us both guidelines for diet and exercise, and endless encouragement. What seemed like an insurmountable goal was achievable with Jenn’s help. He lost 30 pounds and the internist was delighted with his blood work. His blood pressure has also been very well controlled with medication, diet and exercise Jenn put him on. He has managed to stay at a healthier weight. He has struggled with weight all his life, but working with Jenn he is now in a much healthier zone. Jenn coached both of us I feel, as my husband and I ate pretty much the same diet since I am the chief cook! We both lost weight, became fitter, and feel better. Jenn was readily available with any questions. What seemed like a very daunting goal was made achievable. Thanks Jenn!

    — Greg and Elaine McKeown

    Contact me today for your free 20 minute consultation!
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